Publisher: Hyperion Book CH
Publish Date: 2006
ISBN: 0786838922
Page #: 320
Classification: Fiction
Genre: Fantasy
Age Level: Older Teen
Series Title: Blue Bloods
Subjects: vampires, high-society, fantasy
Synopsis: Ok, Gossip Girl fans, I have a vampire book just for you. Those Mahanttan elites are just too perfect right? Well in De La Cruz’s Blue Bloods, the story’s main character Schuyler Van Alen doesn’t fit in. But on her 15th birthday everything changes. She can see a myriad of blue veins in her arms and she finds that although she thought she didn’t fit in, she has more in common with the wealthy elite then she ever knew. De La Cruz broaches teen subject matter’s such as anorexia and social classes in a new, fantatic way. Though somewhat risqué, for language, drugs, & sexuality, De La Cruz manages to “suck” you in anyway. This is the "OMFG" (reference: Gossip Girl’s Advertising Scheme) of Vampire books!
Stars: 4
Subjects: vampires, high-society, fantasy
Reader's Annotation: Schuyler Van Alen is having a hard time fitting in with the too perfect upper elite. Perhaps the high society blood that runs through the upper east side is something darker then societal royalty, and Schuyler may have more in common with them then she thought.
Synopsis: Ok, Gossip Girl fans, I have a vampire book just for you. Those Mahanttan elites are just too perfect right? Well in De La Cruz’s Blue Bloods, the story’s main character Schuyler Van Alen doesn’t fit in. But on her 15th birthday everything changes. She can see a myriad of blue veins in her arms and she finds that although she thought she didn’t fit in, she has more in common with the wealthy elite then she ever knew. De La Cruz broaches teen subject matter’s such as anorexia and social classes in a new, fantatic way. Though somewhat risqué, for language, drugs, & sexuality, De La Cruz manages to “suck” you in anyway. This is the "OMFG" (reference: Gossip Girl’s Advertising Scheme) of Vampire books!
Stars: 4
Series Website: http://www.bluebloodsbooks.com/
Author Gives Advice to Young Writers: http://melissa-delacruz.com/index.php/info/advice/
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