UnLibrarian Pathfinders:
Great tools for Librarians and Patrons!
Great tools for Librarians and Patrons!
What is a pathfinder? Pathfinders can be approached in many ways. The basic idea is to lead a patron in the right direction and give them resources on a single topic. They are generally pretty basic and they expect you (the user) to need no prior knowledge of a topic. In the UnLibrarian's case a pathfinder is meant not only to give you resources but it is meant as entertainment as much as it is an infophile's feast! So dig in and ENJOY!

A Clockwork Pathfinder: Have a thing for a time way back when that never existed? Wanna invent new gadgets like something out of an H.G. Wells book? Hoping to run out into Victorian London in your petticoat and goggles and jump into your steampower vessel in a time that never existed? Wondering what the heck I am talking about?
Visit The Escape Artist a pathfinder into all things steam: http://theunlibrarians-steampunk-pathfinder.blogspot.com/
Johnny Depp & Tim Burton

Til Depp do us Part http://deppandburton-unlibrarian-pathfinder.blogspot.com/
More surely to come, so keep checking back on the UnLibrarian Blog!
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