By: Richelle Mead
Publisher: Razorbill
Publish Date: 2007
ISBN: 159514174X
Page #: 336
Classification: Fiction
Genre: Fantasy
Age Level: Older Teen
Series Titles: Vampire Academy, Frostbite, Shadow's Kiss, Blood Promise
Subjects: Vampire, Romance, Friendship
Reader's Annotation: Rose and Lissa share an fantastic friendship, even by vampire standards. Now, after two years on the run, they have been returned to Saint Vladimir's Academy, the learning facility from which they ran away only to face judgement, teasing, testing, lessons, and danger.
Synopsis: School has never been this much fun! In Vampire Academy, Mead create new world of vampirism. Rose is the half-vampire, half-mortal best friend and protector to the Orphaned Lissa, a Vampire Princess. Hoping to leave their Vampire Academy and live out on their own, the book begins as the two try to escape an ambush. But the ambush isn’t the immortal vampire enemies the Academy trains it’s student to defend them selves from. It’s the Academy and they have come to take them back. Mead writes to a teen audience that can handle the intricacies of teenage life. Sex and Cursing abound but don’t overshadow the deeper issues that many teenagers feel: abandonment, insecurity, forbidden romance, & social ranking. Only, in the Vampire Academy, we get the added sense of royalty & reverie. Mead’s Vampire Academy is the first in a series. The following tales are titled, Frostbite and Shadow’s Kiss. The Vampire Academy is published in New York, by Razorbill Publishing.
Stars: 4
Notes: Swearing and a harsh nature appear in this thriller that is frankly a lot darker then most YA. But by the same token it is easily digestible. Parental discretion is advised.
I have this, but haven't read it yet. From your review, it sounds really good!