Consultant: Neil Gaiman
Publisher: Vertigo/DC
Publish Date: 203
ISBN: 1563899388
Page #: 208
Classification: Manga
Genre: Graphic Novel, American Manga
Age Level: Older Teens
Series Title: Death
Subjects: Death, Dreaming, Humanity
Reader's Annotation:
Synopsis: Meet Death, The little sister of the King of Dreams, Sandman. Created from Neil Gaiman's beloved Sandman series, Death at Death's door tells the story of some visiters from hell (literally) who happen to stop by Death's apartment as she was the last person they remembered being nice to them. Having left hell (and an empty hell and a locked door for the Sandman find), the hell-acious servants turn up at Death's Door, and Delirium and Despair (also siblings of the Sandman and Death called the Endless) make a delirious and despairing decision to through a party for them. Not going well, Death is left with the mess to clean up, to save the afterlife, and do what she does best: end things. And in this case, save the waking hours, or in other words: save the day.
Told from Death's point of view, fans of the Sandman are in for a treat, especially if they can't get enough Sandman and are bigs fans of his sister Death. Delirium has her moments were she evokes the Delirium of Sandman but Despair really isn't dark enough. Death at Death's Door was a fun diversion, but for the hardcore fan, it will be a matter of taste. The art takes on the manga genre, totally black, grey, and white, and with The Endless in full manga eye regalia, fans will either throw it against the wall or appreciate it for what it is. It is not comparable to the art of either Death: The High Cost of Living, or The Sandman Series. Rather, it is a journey into somewhere else.
Notes: The story from Death #1 is taken primarily from Gaiman's Seasons of Mists (Sandman, Volume #4) and translated to the YA audience.
Stars: 4
Extras: Jill Thompson Online http://www.jillthompsonart.com/
Images of Death & Sandman from Gaiman's Original Adult Graphic Novel
Neil Gaiman: http://www.neilgaiman.com/works/Comics/
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