Publisher: Little, Brown
Publish Date: 2007
ISBN: 0316160202
Page #: 640
Classification: Fiction
Genre: Fantasy
Age Level: Older Teen
Series Title:
Publish Date: 2007
ISBN: 0316160202
Page #: 640
Classification: Fiction
Genre: Fantasy
Age Level: Older Teen
Series Title:
The Twilight Saga: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn
Subjects: Love, Fantasy, Friendship, Vampires, Shapeshifters, Temptation
Reader's Annotation: The saga continues between Bella Swan, Edward Cullen and the newly monstrous Jacob Black. In love with Bella, Jacob tapes into his beastly nature to fight for his beliefs while a vampire war is broiling their backyard.
Synopsis: Book three in the Twilight Saga, Meyers continues the story of the star-crossed love of Edward and Bella, and the triangle that was formed with Jacob, Bella’s best friend. Faced with impending attacks by outside non-vegetarian vampires, Jacob & Edward clash for Bella’s affection, but join forces to protect her. The ongoing fate of Bella choice to become part of the Cullen family of undead creates further tension in the love triangle. Meyer doesn’t fail to deliver buddy icon worthy love lives, and the dilemma of where Jacob fits in created a teen craze of Team Jacob & Team Edward, Not to mention extended itself to the rest of the community. (Can anybody say Team anything without thinking of Meyer these days?) Fans of Meyer’s first two books will no doubt adore the third installment. Those who despise it should probably not start here.
Twilight (The highest grossing film on opening weekend for a female director: Catherine Hardwicke) was made into a film and released in 2008, New Moon (Director: Chris Weitz) the second film is due for release in November 2009. Eclipse (Director: David Slade) is in Pre-production, and Breaking Dawn is optioned but unannounced.
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