By: Scott Westerfeld
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Publish Date: February 8, 2005
ISBN: 0689865384
Page #: 448
Classification: Fiction
Genre: Science-Fiction
Age Level: Older Teen
Plastic Surgery, Fitting In, Beauty, Adventure, Dystopia
Series Title: The Uglies Series: Uglies, Pretties, Specials, Extras
Reader's Annotation: Tally Youngblood is 15 and can't wait to be pretty like her best friend Peris. While waiting to become "Pretty," she meets and befriends another another "Ugly" named Shay and together they wait to become 16 when everything we become perfect, or will it?
Synopsis: In all the books I read over the past year, this series sticks out the most. Why? Although it's simply written, the ideas are penetrating. The notion that most of us feel on display, varying degrees of ugly, and/or constantly striving to be like someone else, can not possibly be new to any of you. Today's society is obsessive with beauty and face forward. Meet Tally Youngblood, a teenage girl in a not so distant, dystopian future where everyone gets a "pretty" operation when they turn 16. They grind, shave, replace, and manipulate your body until you wake up a new, beautiful, perfect you. In the Uglies, after you complete the change, you are officially a "Pretty." You then get to move into a new world where being pretty is your new and only job. Partying, having everything you need, being popular is the perfect existence right? But, what if comes with a price? Does anyone ever NOT want to become a pretty?
Notes: Books Two and Three follow Tally and the Crims through their twisted fates against the powers that be. All three a mindful feast, but a simple, zippy read. You just can't not read these books. Cut out a day or two. It might make you re-think that rhinoplasty.
Stars: 5
Extras: Westerfeld Heaven (Are you a bubble head?)
- The Extras, an unexpected fourth book in the series. Meet Aya and find out what her world is like post-Tally. In her world it's all about fame and nobody wants to be the "extra!"
- There is currently a guidebook called From Bogus to Bubbly available. This companion is a spoiler if you have yet to finish the series.
- Westerblog: http://scottwesterfeld.com/blog
- Uglies discussion questions for your book group: http://scottwesterfeld.com/blog/?page_id=172
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