Original Screenplay By: Diablo Cody
Company: Fox Searchlight
Publish Date: 2007
Length: 96 minutes
Classification: Non-Fiction
Genre: Dark Comedy
Age Level: PG-13 Older Teen
Series Title: n/a
Subjects: Teen Pregnancy, Growing Up, Adoption
Synopsis: I am sure that a semi-large group of people may have missed the subtle reference to Goddess Juno (who reigned over fertility), but that wouldn't have gotten by Juno. Juno is a clever, teen girl who has a sexual experience with a geeky boy who likes to run a lot. Although a truly likable character, Juno doesn't consider him to be her boyfriend, and even if she did the world that Juno lives is doesn't want a baby. She considers abortion but ends up finding a seemingly perfect couple who can't have children to adopt her baby. Over the next nine months the baby within her isn't the only things the grows and transform. Juno begins to see her life differently, the boy with the sperm differently, and even the perfect family she chose to adopt her child. This is not only a comedy about teen pregnancy, but a comedy that explores growing up, family, and harsh realities. Juno does all this with a laugh through its witty writing and genuinely enchanting cast.
Notes: Rated PG-13 for mature thematic material, sexual content and language.
Stars: 5
Company: Fox Searchlight
Publish Date: 2007
Length: 96 minutes
Classification: Non-Fiction
Genre: Dark Comedy
Age Level: PG-13 Older Teen
Series Title: n/a
Subjects: Teen Pregnancy, Growing Up, Adoption
Tag Line: "A comedy about growing up... and the bumps along the way."
Annotation: A smart and quirky young girl has an awkward sexual moment that turns into an awkward nine months.
Synopsis: I am sure that a semi-large group of people may have missed the subtle reference to Goddess Juno (who reigned over fertility), but that wouldn't have gotten by Juno. Juno is a clever, teen girl who has a sexual experience with a geeky boy who likes to run a lot. Although a truly likable character, Juno doesn't consider him to be her boyfriend, and even if she did the world that Juno lives is doesn't want a baby. She considers abortion but ends up finding a seemingly perfect couple who can't have children to adopt her baby. Over the next nine months the baby within her isn't the only things the grows and transform. Juno begins to see her life differently, the boy with the sperm differently, and even the perfect family she chose to adopt her child. This is not only a comedy about teen pregnancy, but a comedy that explores growing up, family, and harsh realities. Juno does all this with a laugh through its witty writing and genuinely enchanting cast.
Notes: Rated PG-13 for mature thematic material, sexual content and language.
It has been received with mixed reviews from the conservative side due to it's laissez faire attitude about sex and teen pregnancy, but at the same time it explores options other abortion.
Without an R rating, it is acceptable for older teens to watch, and may even spark some healthy dialogue about pregnancy, sex, and family.
Stars: 5
Awards: 1 Oscar Win, Diablo Cody, for Best Original Screenplay
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